Delaware Weather Hazard Index Application Information
The Delaware Weather Hazard Index incorporates data from the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) and the Delaware Bay Operational Forecast System (DBOFS) to visually represent the severity of meteorological hazards across Delaware and regions nearby.
- Forecasting length: Approximately 2 days
- Grid Resolution: 5 km
Hazards |
Low |
Moderate |
High |
Heat Index |
100℉ |
105℉ |
110℉ |
Wind Chill |
0℉ |
-10℉ |
-20℉ |
Max Wind Gust |
40 mph |
50 mph |
60 mph |
48hr Rainfall |
1 in |
3 in |
5 in |
48hr Snowfall |
2 in |
4 in |
8 in |
48hr Ice Accum. |
0.01 in |
0.10 in |
0.25 in |
Convective Outlook |
Marginal / Slight |
Enhanced / Moderate |
High |
Coastal Water Level |
*Varies by county |
Water level data is included along select areas near the coastline of Delaware. Surge impacts are highly variable on a sub 5 km scale and thus the localized risk may vary significantly.
Hail and torando risk are forecasted out to 24 hours.